Announcement of the webinar

Dear members,

In July IFCC has planned two free webinars:

  1. „Point-of-Care Testing in Resource Limited Settings: Dotting the „i's“ and crossing the „t's“ which will be held on July 15, 2021 at4 P The webinar will last 90 minutes. The Webinar will consist of three talks (20 minutes each) and will be followed by the paneldiscussion. Participants will be able to ask questions to the presenters.
    For more information click here.
    You can register at:
  2. „Newborn Screening“ which will be held on July 20, 2021 at 4 The webinar will last 90 minutes. The Webinar will consist of threetalks (20 minutes each) and will be followed by the panel discussion. Participants will be able to ask questions to the presenters.
    For more information click here.
    You can register at:

Certificate of Participation will be available for all registrants. Recorded webinar will be available ondemand.

Committe for information and public relations

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