Announcement of the webinar

Dear members,

In July IFCC has planned two free webinars:

  1. „Point-of-Care Testing in Resource Limited Settings: Dotting the „i's“ and crossing the „t's“ which will be held on July 15, 2021 at4 P The webinar will last 90 minutes. The Webinar will consist of three talks (20 minutes each) and will be followed by the paneldiscussion. Participants will be able to ask questions to the presenters.
    For more information click here.
    You can register at:
  2. „Newborn Screening“ which will be held on July 20, 2021 at 4 The webinar will last 90 minutes. The Webinar will consist of threetalks (20 minutes each) and will be followed by the panel discussion. Participants will be able to ask questions to the presenters.
    For more information click here.
    You can register at:

Certificate of Participation will be available for all registrants. Recorded webinar will be available ondemand.

Committe for information and public relations

Invitation to apply for The EFLM-HyTest Cardiac Marker Award

The EFLM-HyTest Cardiac Marker Award is granted to a young scientist for remarkable scientific work in the field of cardiovascular diseases.

The applicant must fulfill the following criteria: age under 40 years; member of an EFLM member country; study accepted for peer-reviewed publication by the submission deadline in which the nominee must be first author.

The EFLM-HyTest Cardiac Marker Award is awarded biannually. This year, the award will be presented at the 22nd IFCC-EFLM European Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EuroMedLab 2017) to be held in Athens (GR) from 11 to 15 June 2017.

The selected scientist will receive an award of € 5000 and the costs for attending the EuroMedLab Congress (economy class travel, reasonable accommodation and the congress registration fee).

More details can be found here.

Committee for information and public relations

First issue of EuroLabNews

Dear all,

I am pleased to present you the first issue of "EuroLabNews", the NEW bi-monthly newsletter of EFLM.

It is a completely renewed newsletter with the aim to strengthen the communication with our National Societies and their members. This is a part of the EFLM 2017 project of the restyling of the EFLM image, together with the issuing of the new logo (that will be available soon) and a new more appealing/user-friendly website already on-line at that I kindly invite you to visit!

With kindest regards,

MariaStella Graziani
Chair EFLM Communication Committee

Call for IFCC nominations - Committee on “Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (C-TLM)"

Dear All,

Kindly find enclosed a letter on behalf of Prof. Philippe Gillery, IFCC Scientific Division Chair, announcing a Call for Nominations for one member position at the Committee on "Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (C-TLM)".

Applications should be directly submitted to the IFCC Office (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by next February 20th, using the enclosed application form.

With kindest regards,

Paola Bramati

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