Round table: EU Directive - regulation of the profession of laboratory medicine specialists
29 May 2012 CSMB organized, at the Westin hotel in Zagreb, a round table entitled: EU Directive - regulation of the profession of laboratory medicine specialists. Simone Zerah, Professor, (EFLM), Elizabeth Topić, Professor, (CSMBLM) and Ana-Maria Šimundić, Assistant Professor, (EFLM) informed the representatives of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, the Croatian Chamber of Medical Biochemists of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Croatian Medical Association and CSMBLM of the new EU directive on the regulation of professions. Accordingly, necessary conditions that need to be secured in order to regulate our profession at European level were presented: combining of all specializations in the field of laboratory diagnostics (medical biochemistry, hematology, laboratory immunology, laboratory microbiology, laboratory transfusion, molecular genetics) into one multi-functional specialization of laboratory medicine, clearly defining the duration and the program of the graduate and postgraduate training, knowledge and skills that specialists of laboratory medicine need to have and the criteria for the recognition of professional qualifications. The Commission shall inform the members about all new developments and the steps taken in connection with the new EU directive.