2. EFCC-UEMS congress: Letter from the CSMB President

Dear colleagues,
at the end of this year 2nd EFLM-UEMS European Joint Congress - Laboratory Medicine at the Clinical Interface will be held in Dubrovnik during the period from 10th-13th October 2012. Co-organiser of the Congress is the Croatian Society of Medical Biochemists. It is also the seventh Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists, which is by the usual practice in maintaining Europe's major conferences, as well as the precongress and congress symposia incorporated into the EFLM-UEMS Congress.

The scientific program, as well as all the details about the Congress can be found on the website of the Congress: http://www.dubrovnik2012.com/

I remind you that early registration is available until 1th May this year and the deadline for submitting poster abstracts is 15th May.

Common EFLM-UEMS Congress and 7th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists is especially important conference for our profession. It is an opportunity to show the international community and our colleagues throughout Europe that we are able to keep up with Europe in the profession and science, and to follow the latest guidelines and standards in our profession.

It is also an opportunity to show the beauty of our country, the town of Dubrovnik and its centuries-old traditions. Finally, Congress has an opportunity to show that we can be good hosts.

I want to call your attention to section S10, which will be held on Friday, 12 October 2012, within which we will discuss the regulation of the profession and the possibility of harmonizing the profession at European level. By the upcoming accession to the European Union those changes await Croatia. Therefore, this section is of crucial importance to all of us.

I invite you to take part in this Congress in large numbers, through your active participation and poster presentations. Let's show together the high level of professional and scientific interest of all members of CSMB!

See you in Dubrovnik,
Elizabeta Topić, President of CSMBLM

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