
Call for IFCC- Task Force Young Scientists (TF-YS) Global Survey about the diversity of YS

Dear all,

International Federation of Clinical Chemistry & Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) has assembled Task Force Young Scientists (TF-YS) in 2010. The aim of TF-YS is to ensure that young scientists make a significant and growing contribution to the activities of IFCC and other National programmes. TF-YS are approaching you related to the survey which IFCC-TFYS wishes to carryout in order to know, communicate and share about the diversity of YS worldwide. You can complete the survey via:

More information about TF-YS, you can find at:

Committee for information and public relations

Send us an e-mail!


  • Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine
    Boškovićeva 18, 10000 Zagreb
    Tel: +385 1 4828 133
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