National guidelines for capillary sampling and their presentation on e-seminar in November
Dear colleagues,
In the latest volume of Biochemia Medica 25/3 you can find new national guidelines issued by CSMBLM Committee for the scientific professional development. These guidelines are a result of hard work done by Working group for capillary sampling and its chair dr. sc. Jasna Leniček Krleža.
We hope you to attend e-seminar "Nacionalne preporuke za kapilarno uzorkovanje" that will be given by chair of Working group for capillary sampling and firs author of these guidelines, Jasna Leniček Krleža, a specialist in medical biochemistry and laboratory medicine. E-seminar will be held on Wednesday, November 4th 2015, at 20:00 h.
Difficulty of capillary sampling and effect on sample quality are a part of everyday laboratory practice. So don't miss this lecture on new and interesting aspects of capillary sampling standardization.
You can register at:
Apply and by an active participant in discussion on this new CSMBLM guidelines!
Committee for education of CSMBLM