
Membership fee reminder

Dear CSMBLM members,

During their last meeting held on the 22nd of September 2012, CSMBLM Main board has discussed and decided on new prices for the different activities provided by the CSMBLM and covered by annual fee: subscription for the Biochemia Medica, reduced fee for participation in external quality assessment, registration fee for annual symposium and congresses.

New pricelist will be active since 1st of January, 2013. Prices for all non-members will be 50% higher compared to prices for members.

CSMBLM financial report has showed that large number of members did not pay membership fee during the last few years and therefore they do not fulfill their duties according to the CSMBLM statute.

According to the statute, membership ends after two years of non-paying and after one written reminder.

This way we invite you to solve all the debts to CSMBLM until the end of the year 2012. If you would like more precise information, please contact our administrative secretary by e-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or by phone (01 4828-133).

For all the members who until 31st of December 2012 do not settle their debts, their membership will be cancelled starting with the 1st of January 2013. Required criterion for membership renewal is to settle all the debts to the CSMBLM.

According to the decision made by the CSMBLM Assembly on 26th of May, pensioners are exempted from membership fee. Therefore, we are kindly asking all the pensioners to communicate their status to CSMBLM in order to be membership free.

Best regards,
Main board CSMBLM

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  • Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine
    Boškovićeva 18, 10000 Zagreb
    Tel: +385 1 4828 133
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.