IFCC C-MD Call for nominations Laboratory Network in Molecular Diagnostics

Kindly find herewith enclosed a letter on behalf of Prof. Deborah Payne, Chair of Committee on Molecular Diagnostics, and Prof. Ian Young, Chair of Scientific Division, calling for applications from clinical laboratories performing molecular diagnostic tests, wishing to be part of a molecular diagnostics laboratories' networks.

Further details in the attached letter, along with the application form 1 and application form 2.

Applications have to be sent to the IFCC office (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), copying Dr. Payne (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), by February 12th, 2016.

Should you necessitate any additional details or clarification, please directly contact Prof. Payne, as per above details.

Best regards,

Associate Professor Daria Pašalić
IFCC national representative

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  • Boškovićeva 18
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