
Recording of the last EFLM e-seminar "The estimate of measurement uncertainty" is available on-line!

For those who were not able to join the EFLM webinar „The estimate of measurement uncertainty" held on May 10 by Ilenia Infusino, BSc. Or for those attendants who want to recall presented ideas, we are happy to inform you that the recording of the EFLM webinar on is now available at:


If you attend the webinar, we would be very pleased if you can fill in our short feedback questionnaire about it. We thank Ilenia Infusino for sharing this material.

Committee for information and public relations

Reminder for bursaries to attend the 4th EFLM-UEMS Congress

Dear Members,

We remind you to submit applications for the EFLM bursaries to attend the 4th EFLM-UEMS Congress to be held in Warsaw on September 21- 24, 2016.

The bursaries will cover the cost of the travel, accommodation and registration fee for a maximum of 7000 HRK.

All information about the bursary applications and the announcement of results can be found at: http://hdmblm.hr/hr/stipendisti

Committee for information and public relations

Reminder for registration - 4th EFLM-UEMS Congress, Warsaw, September 21th-24th, 2016

Dear colleagues,

we remind you that there is only two days left for secure your place at the largest European event in Laboratory Medicine and Clinical Diagnostics in 2016!

Online registration closes tomorrow: August 30th 2016 at 24.00 h

More information about Congress you can find on link:

Committee for information and public relations

Survey from EFLM Task and Finish Group for Standardization of the colour coding for blood collection tube closures (EFLM TFG-STCC)

Dear members,

on behalf of the EFLM Task and Finish Group for Standardization of the colour coding for blood collection tube closures we would like to ask you to fill out their questionnaire. On the following links you can find more information about the questionnaire and proposal for the color coding standard of the blood:

Letter from Ana-Maria Šimundić, Chair of the EFLM TFG-STCC

EFLM TFG-STCC Proposal for the color coding standard of the blood

The deadline to fill in this questionnaire is 25 April, 2016. You may access the questionnaire here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TFG-STCC

Committee for information and public relations

Send us an e-mail!


  • Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine
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    Tel: +385 1 4828 133
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