Srdjan Djurovic at 9th HDMBLM Congress

Dear all,

Not many areas of medicine are so mysterious and diagnostically challenging as neuropsychiatric conditions. Prof. Srdjan Djuranovic will present a project of his Psychiatric Molecular Genetics Group in which he uses induced pluripotent stem cells as an in-vitro model for identification of cell and molecular markers linked to severe psychiatric disorders. Srdjan Djurovic got his PhD at Zagrebu University, as well as Grazu University. He is the head of reaserch group and a professor at University of Oslo and Bergen (norway), and works at University Hospital in Oslo - Ullevål. He published over 220 articles int he field of neuropsychiatric genetics, stem cells, funcional genomics and biobanking.

Latest reaserch by Psychiatric Molecular Genetics Group of prof. Djurovica can be discovered if you join us in Zagrebu, 9th-12th of May 2018. You can register at:

See you in Zagreb!

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