5th Central-Eastern European Congress on cell-Free Nucleic Acid in Debrecen on 21st-22nd of June 2018

Dear all,

We invite you to join us at 5th Central-Eastern European Congress on cell-Free Nucleic Acid in Debrecen on 21st-22nd of June 2018. Previous congresses focused on research and application of cell-Free Nucleic Acids in prenatal screening and diagnosis of genetic diseases that has already a routine procedure in non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT). Now there is an interest in using cell free nucleic acids (cfNA) from liquid bioptates in the field of oncology and diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease, which we are focusing on at this year’s congress. The role of encapsulation of microparticle cfNAs is a new research area, since the role of this particles is still unknown. The possibility of horizontal gene transfer (genometastasis) has scientists puzzled. At this year’s congress a few world experts will share their views on this.

All further information can be found on offical congress site at www.fna2018.com.

Committee for information and public relations

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