Call for nominations for the EFLM Working Group “Laboratory Medicine Credit Points”

Dear members,

We forward You this call for nominations for the EFLM Working Group “Laboratory Medicine Credit Points” (WG-LMCP) under the chairmanship of Prof. Mehmet Senes.

More information about this WG can be found in this attachment file, as the Application form.

For the recommendation letter from HDMBLM it is neccessary to fill out the Application form and submit Your CV and list of relevant publications.

In case of more than one applicant, HDMBLM Chair committe will decide which candidate will get the recommendation letter and send the application.

Application and needed documents must be sent until 15th of May 2019. to dr. sc. Jasna Leniček Krleža: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Committee for information and public relations

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  • Boškovićeva 18
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