IFCC webinar's October

Dear members,

we would like to inform you about two complimentary webinars organized by IFCC in October:

  • October 27th 2021, at 9:00 h (CET): „Common laboratory measures of dysglycaemia; Their strengths and weaknesses” more about this webinar here.
  • October 28th 2021, at 18:30 h (CET): “Alzheimer’s disease therapeutics & biofluid tests: Current practice and future prospects” more about you can find here.

Committee for information and public relations

Call for completion questopnnaire about IVDR implementation process

Dear members,

The BioMed Alliance Taskforce in collaboration with the European Haematology Associantion Taskforce on IVD, and with expertise from prof. Christa Cobbaert from the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, elaborated a questionnaire on the current use of different IVD tests in diagnostic laboratories. 

The objective of the questionnaire is to gain insight into the current situation for medical laboratories, in particular the degree of (un)preparedness of medical laboratories for the IVDR implementation.

We would like to ask all the diagnostic laboratories in the EU to fill in a questionnaire on their current use of IVD tests and their preparations for the IVDR (the new EU regulation on in vitro diagnostic medical devices).

You may fint the questionnaire at this link.

Please return the completed questionnaire before September 8th, 2021, to Anne-Claire Cazottes: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you have any question about filling in the questionnaire, please contact Dr. Bart Lubbers: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Dr. Isabel Dombrink: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Committee for information and public relations

Call for nominations for the EFLM Working Group „Distance Education and e-learning“

Dear members,

We forward you this call for nominations of a new member for 2 years (2022. – 2023.) for the EFLM Working Group „Distance Education and e-learning“ under the chairmanship of prof. Darko Cerne.

More information about this working group can be found in this attachment file, as the Application form.

For the recommendation letter from HDMBLM it is neccessary to fill out the Application form and also submit your CV and list of relevant publications.

In case of more than one applicant, HDMBLM Chair committe will decide which candidate will get the recommendation letter and send the application.

Application and needed documents mus be sent until 30th of September 2021. to e-mail address of dr. sc. Jasna Leniček Krleža: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Committee for information and public relations

EFLM Academy membership benefits

Dear members, 

The EFLM Academy is unique, exclusive web-based resource and communication platform through which EFLM aims to support the education, training and continuous professional development of Laboratory Medicine practitioners in Europe. 

It is also created to support the case for recognition of Specialists in Laboratory Medicine to reach the goal of the free (unhindered) professional migration across EU member states’ borders. 

The EFLM Academy offers many benefits: 

  • Education and training opportunities include access to EFLM live and recorded webinars, reduced fee for all congresses and conferences as well as postgraduate courses organized by EFLM and free access to EFLM Syllabus Course (available from January 2022). 
  • Access to scientific, professional and standardization resources, such as free access to CLSI Documents and some of the top journals in Laboratory Medicine, such as Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Journal (CCLM), Clinical Chemistry Journal, etc. 
  • Eligibility to apply for different EFLM travel grants covering travel expenses to the following EFLM events: EuroMedLab Congress, EFLM Conference on Preanalytical Phase and EFLM Strategic Conference. EFLM Academy members have the opportunity to apply for EFLM Academy Award (more about this award will be available soon at the EFLM website, under “AWARDS”). Lastly, the EFLM Academy members are eligible to apply to EuSpLM Register. 

You can find out more in this EFLM Academy leaflet

Committee for information and public relations 

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