
IFCC nominations

Dear All,

kindly find enclosed a letter from:

  • Khosrow Adeli, IFCC President, Call for Nominations for the new Task Force on Global Lab Quality (TF-GLQ) 
  • Philippe Gillery, IFCC Scientific Division Chair, Call for Nominations for Secretary at the SD Executive Committee and Call for Nominations for one member position at the Committee on “Nomenclature, Properties and Units (C-NPU) in collaboration with International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)”

Don't miss the deadlines!

Committee for information and public relations

EFLM survey

Dear members,

we kindly ask you to take part of an EFLM survey on waste management in healthcare settings. 
The survey will be available here until October 15th.

Committee for information and public relations

EFLM Webinar

Dear members,

new EFLM webinair is scheduled on June 30th 2020, 18:00h, CET. Topic of webinar is Urinalysis. The speaker is José A. T. Poloni and the moderator is Timo Kouri.

We remind you that the free access is reserved to EFLM Academy Members.

Click here to register for the EFLM webinar. 

Committee for information and public relations

IFCC survey-COVID-19

Dear members,

please find a IFCC survey on impact of COVID-19 on Clinical Laboratories.

Survey requesting completion no later than April 27th, 2020

We thank you very much for completing the survey and to distribute it to all clinical laboratories in your country, ASAP, Monday,

IFCC look forward to receiving feedback from all national societies and their clinical laboratories.

Committee for information and public relations

Send us an e-mail!


  • Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine
    Boškovićeva 18, 10000 Zagreb
    Tel: +385 1 4828 133
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.