Dear all,
The 4th Joint EFLM-UEMS Congress in Warsaw is the largest European event in Laboratory Medicine and Clinical Diagnostics in 2016. More than 50 international experts in the field of clinical medicine and laboratory diagnostics will present state of the art lectures and more than 700 participants, both laboratory professionals and clinicians, from all over the world are expected.
The Congress program includes scientific symposia, plenary lectures, poster sessions, debates, and educational workshops. Congress topics are selected to address hot topics of medicine, in areas such as cardiology, oncology, nephrology, neurology, endocrinology, transplantation, immunology, microbiology, pediatrics, among others. Laboratory diagnostics at the clinical interface spans from next generation sequencing, assessment of cell free DNA, mass spectrometry, to point-of-care-testing for diagnosing and predicting disease as well as for guiding and monitoring therapy.
The organizers particularly encourage young physicians, laboratory professionals, scientists, and researchers to submit their work. All abstracts will be reviewed by an international evaluation committee and the best abstracts will be selected as oral presentations. There are reduced registration fees for all young scientists <35 years and travel bursaries are available to participate in the Congress.
Industry sponsored workshops will give the diagnostic industry the opportunity to present their latest innovations to a specialist audience.
The online registration system is open here. The deadline to submit abstracts is May 15th. More about congress you can read on official web page: or in newsletter.
Don't miss this important event in the beautiful Warsaw. We look forward to seeing you in Warsaw this September!
Scientific and Organizing Committee 4th EFLM-UEMS Congress