EUROMEDLAB Athens 2017- Newsletter n.6

Dear all,

We inform you that the last issue of the EuroMedLab News is online. It is the periodical newsletter with the latest information about the EUROMEDLAB Athens 2017 Congress.
You can download it here.

Committee for information and public relations

Repository of the National Societies’ Guidelines on the EFLM website

Dear all,

EFLM launched a new initiative aimed to build a repository of Guidelines issued by National Societies, on the EFLM website.The ultimate goal of this resource is to identify the fields of Laboratory Medicine where EFLM could initiate the assembling of joint European Guidelines.

You can find posted Guidelines on EFLM website (

Associate Professor Daria Pašalić
EFLM National Representative

EFLM - Call for nominations WG-H 2017-2018

Dear members,

We are pleased to inform you that Prof. Eric Kilpatrick, Chair of the EFLM Science Committee, announcing the call for nominations for 2 Full Member positions for the EFLM Working Group on “Harmonisation of Total Testing Process” (WG-H), under the chairmanship of Prof. Ferruccio Ceriotti.

If you wish to apply, please send:

  1. EFLM WG Application form (A brief plan of the applicant’s contribution to the aims and objectives of the relevant Working Group has to be included in the form)
  2. 2. CV that contains information on academic education and professional experience (especially those that qualify for work in EFLM-WG)
  3. 3. List of publications
  4. 4. Letter of recommendation from your National Society Representative

More information you can find here. Application should be sent to the Prof. Daria Pašalić (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by April 30th, 2017.

Associate Professor Daria Pašalić
EFLM National Representative

Invitation to apply: EFLM-Abbott Diagnostics Award2017 for Excellence in Outcomes Research in Laboratory Medicine

Dear members,

We are pleased to inform you that EFLM and Abbott Diagnostics announce the EFLM-Abbott Diagnostics Award for Excellence in Outcomes Research in Laboratory Medicine. The Award will be given to the best published paper, as judged by an independent panel of experts, which demonstrates improved outcomes (clinical and/or economic) arising out of the application or improved utilisation of an in vitro diagnostic test. The Award will consist of a certificate and the sum of 10,000 Euro.

More information you can find here. Application should be sent by April 20th, 2017.

Committee for information and public relations

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