Gilbert Wieringa at 9th HDMBLM congress

Dear colleagues,

It is our great honour to present dr. Gilbert Wieringa, Chair of the EFLM's Profession Committee. In his lecture he will address the 5th EFLM syllabus-programme, further development of Common Training Framework for recognition of Specialists in Laboratory Medicine under EU Commission Directive 2013/55/EU – the Recognition of Professional Qualifications and new guidelines of Register of Specialists in Laboratory Medicine (EUSpLM).

We invite all current and future European Specialists in Laboratory Medicine to join us in Zagreb from 9th to12th of May 2018. You can register here.

Early registration deadline is March 10th 2018.

See you in Zagrebu!

Organisation and Scientific Committee

IFCC Curriculum - Phase 1

Dear all,

the IFCC is happy to inform you that Phase 1 of the IFCC Curriculum is ready and already available on the IFCC website at: education-division/ifcc- eacademy/

As you know, the IFCC Curriculum was developed as part of the IFCC eAcademy project by the Committee for Distance Learning. Other disciplines within laboratory medicine will follow in due course.

Authors are: R. Greaves (AU), J. M. Smith (UK); Section authors are: R. Greaves, C Florkowski (NZ), L. Langman (US), J. Sheldon (UK).

The IFCC Curriculum is a guide for IFCC member societies in their development of syllabuses for postgraduate trainees in laboratory medicine, appropriate for use in their own countries.

It is also intended to be a resource for trainees in planning their private study in preparation for academic and professional qualifications which lead to formal recognition of expertise and status as experts and leaders in the field of laboratory medicine.

The IFCC Curriculum means to provide the laboratory medicine expert with a comprehensive knowledge of the science and medicine on which the specialty is based and is an help to use this knowledge to develop and provide a safe, effective, efficient and high quality service to its users. The IFCC Curriculum is designed to provide a framework of learning both practical and theoretical components through which this expertise can be achieved.

IFCC invite you to download your copy of the IFCC Curriculum and let them have your comments.

Committee for information and public relation

Međunarodna radionica „2nd Workshop on Mass Spectrometry in Life Sciences“

Poštovani članovi i članice,

u Zagrebu se od 19. do 21. rujna 2024. godine organizira 2nd Workshop on Mass Spectrometry in Life Sciences, međunarodni skup i radionica s ciljem okupljanja i promocije proteomike i primjene spektrometrije masa u biokemiji, molekularnoj biologiji, farmaciji, biomedicini i srodnim područjima. Plenarni predavači su uvaženi znanstvenici iz inozemstva, Prof. Gabriel Mazzucchelli (Mass Spectrometry Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, University of Liège, Belgium) i Dr. Philipp Spät (Proteome Center Tübingen, Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen, Germany) te je pozvan niz domaćih i stranih predavača. Plenarna i pozvana predavanja te posterska sekcija održat će se u petak i četvrtak 19. i 20. rujna u poslijepodnevnim satima.

U jutarnjim satima u četvrtak 19. i 20. rujna te tijekom subote 21. rujna organizirana je praktična radionica računalne obrade i analize podataka dobivenih MS-om (software za obradu podataka, vizualizacija i interpretacija proteomskih podataka). Praktična radionica je besplatna za sudionike skupa, ali je broj mjesta ograničen na 25.

Prijave na 2nd Workshop on Mass Spectrometry in Life Sciences zaprimaju se do 6. rujna 2024., a sažeci za posterske prezentacije zaprimaju se do 31. kolovoza 2024.

Više informacija o radionici:
Prijave na radionicu:

Povjerenstvo za informiranje i odnose s javnošću

Natječaj za dodjelu stipendija na 11. kongresu HDMBLM-a

Poštovani članovi i članice,

Hrvatsko društvo za medicinsku biokemiju i laboratorijsku medicinu (HDMBLM) raspisuje natječaj za dodjelu stipendija autorima postera za sudjelovanje na 11. kongresu HDMBLM-a s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem koji će se održati od 9. do 12. listopada 2024. u Vodicama.

HDMBLM će dodijeliti deset stipendija koje pokrivaju troškove pune rane kotizacije, prijevoza i 3 noćenja u hotelu Olympia u dvokrevetnoj sobi.

Kandidat za stipendiju mora biti član HDMBLM-a s uredno plaćenim svim članarinama, prihvaćenim posterskim sažetkom i prijavom dostavljenom na vrijeme. 

Prijavu za stipendije pošaljite na adresu: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. s napomenom: Prijava za Edukacijske stipendije HDMBLM 2024 najkasnije do 30. lipnja 2024. uz  napomenu da potvrda o prijavi sažetka od strane organizatora kongresa može biti naknadno poslana, ali najkasnije do 10. srpnja 2024.

Rezultati stipendija će biti objavljeni do 15. srpnja 2024.

Detaljne upute o prijavi pročitajte u prilogu.

Povjerenstvo za informiranje i odnose s javnošću

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