Nova skraćenica za EFCC je EFLM

U Društvo je stiglo pismo od predsjednika EFCC dr. Iana Watsona o rezultatima ankete za novu skraćenicu naziva Europske federacije za kliničku kemiju i laboratorijsku medicinu (EFCC) koje Vam donosimo u nastavku.


Dear Colleagues,

I write to inform you of the outcome of the survey conducted in December 2011 to agree the appropriate initials for the Federation. Three options were chosen by respondents of whom there were eighteen out of a possible thirty-eight: three favoured EFCCLM, one retaining EFCC and the remainder favoured EFLM.

This outcome was discussed by the Executive Board and it was agreed that we would adopt EFLM to replace EFCC as the acronym to describe our Federation. The Executive Board have taken the view that we need to consider the design associated with these initials and the implementation of this change which will be the subject of an Executive Board discussion in March.

We appreciate your participation in this exercise which is important for the future "branding" of the Federation and thank you for your support.

Yours sincerely,
Ian D. Watson
EFCC President

European Federation of Clinical Chemistry
and Laboratory Medicine c/o IFCC Office
Via Carlo Farini, 81 - 20159 Milano - ITALY
Tel: +39 0266809912- Fax: +39 0260781846
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