Novi broj EFLM corner

Poštovani članovi,

Obavještavamo vas da je izašao novi broj EFLM corner u LabMedica International.

Glavne teme ovog broja su:

  1. 4th Joint EFLM-UEMS Congress: Reports from EFLM Bursary Recipients
  2. 4th EFLM-BD Conference on Preanalytical Phase 2017: EFLM bursary program and conference awards
  3. EFLM Publications in 2016: An Update
  4. News from the EFLM Education and Training Committee
  5. Upcoming EFLM Webinars

Harjit Pal Bhattoa, urednik EFLM Newsletter-a

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  • +385 (0) 1 48 28 133
  • Boškovićeva 18
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